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What We Do

Our Services

Using our financial life planning process, we work with client households, individuals and families, to help them develop their own unique, inspiring financial life vision and goals and, to build an action-oriented financial life plan to help them achieve their life vision and goals.

Working with our trusted solutions partners and drawing on our knowledge and experience in the investment and financial services marketplace, we work with client households to choose the most effective banking, investment and insurance solutions for their unique financial life planning situation, to help them realize their life vision and accomplish their life goals.

As full-service investment advisors and insurance representatives, we are in a unique position to draw from a broad range of investment and financial solutions including direct investments into stocks and bonds, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, segregated investment funds, term deposits and GIC’s and, life, disability and health insurance plans. Through our trusted solutions partner, Manulife Bank, we provide clients with access to a complete range of banking services including cash flow management, saving and lending options.

Drawing on our trusted advisor network we can connect client households with accounting, tax and legal professionals to help them ensure their tax and estate planning activities are in line with Canada Revenue Agency requirements and provincial estate laws.

Our primary objective in each and every client relationship, is to help our clients achieve their most important goals and dreams; their life Vision. We do this by providing our clients with a a unique and effective life planning process and system, timely advice and exceptional service , along with access to a wide range of investment, insurance and financial services solutions.