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Wealth Management

Wealth Management

A new home… Children’s education… Retirement income… Travel… No matter what your vision might be, Portfolio Wealth is the store of vision fuel needed to see it become reality.

We provide comprehensive wealth management solutions to help our clients structure and build the Portfolio Wealth they need to fund their life vision and goals including:

Registered Plans:

  • Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
  • Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP)
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
  • Locked-In Retirement Accounts (LIRA)
  • Locked-In Registered Savings Plans (LRSP)
  • Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)
  • First Home Savings Accounts (FHSA)
  • Individual Pension Plans (IPP)
  • Registered Retirement Income Plans 
    • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
    • Life Income Funds (LIF)
    • Locked-In Retirement Income Funds (LRIF)

Investment and Income Solutions (available registered and non-registered) include:

  • Guaranteed investment certificates (GIC’s)*
  • Mutual funds**
  • Government and corporate bonds***
  • Stocks***
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETF’s)***
  • Segregated funds****
  • Annuities****

Our services include strategic asset allocation planning and ongoing portfolio analysis and monitoring.

* Guaranteed investment certificates (GIC’s) are available from Manulife Bank and other dealer-approved financial institutions.
** Mutual funds are available through Manulife Wealth Inc. and Manulife Wealth Inc..
*** Bonds, stocks and exchange-traded funds are available through Manulife Wealth Inc..
**** Segregated funds and income annuities are available through Manulife Wealth Inc. Insurance Services Inc. and other contracted life insurance managing general agencies.

For more information about our Manulife Wealth Inc. related companies please refer to the Relationship Disclosure found in our Important Client Information Brochure on Manulife Wealth Inc. website (https://www.manulifewealth.ca/clients/en/resources/welcomeinv)